Section 3 - Designer Shapes

Print and cut-out these shapes:

Print and cut-out these quadrilaterals:

Sorting shapes

a. Sorting out your shapes

b. Sorting your quadrilaterals (4 sides and 4 corners)
Your sorting should look something like this:

c. Sorting out your triangles (3 sides and 3 corners):
Sort out the triangles from the other shapes. What is different about them from the other shapes?

Triangles are very rigid and strong. Have a look at the buildings around you and see how many triangles you can see in the construction.

d. Sorting your parallelograms
To help you: What do we mean by parallel sides? Answer: Parallel sides or parallel lines are sides or lines which never meet each other.

e. Sorting trapeziums

Questions and answers

Q: What is a quadrilateral?
A: A polygon with 4 sides.
Q: What is a parallelogram?
A: A quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are equal.
Q: How is a rectangle different?
A: A rectangle is a parallelogram with right-angles. Look at the diagram above.
Q: So, what is a square?
A: A square is a rectangle with all its sides equal. This also fits into the definition of a rectangle. Surprisingly, a square is a rectangle.
Q: What is a rhombus? Is it a parallelogram? Has it got right-angles?
A: A Rhombus is a parallelogram with two adjacent sides equal in length. All 4 sides are equal in length.
Q: What is a trapezium?
A: A quadrilateral with two, and only two, opposite sides parallel.

f. Further sorting of quadrilaterals
You need: A variety of shapes.
Draw the diagram below on a large piece of paper. Make your diagram big enough for your shapes to fit in it:

g. Properties of shapes
Copy the following table and complete it by ticking the special properties after examining each of the shapes:

Properties of shapes
  Two pairs of adjacent sides equal Opposite sides equal Opposite angles equal Two pairs of opposite sides equal All angles equal All sides equal

h. Squares
A square is a quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle and a rhombus

You will see that squares are used in later units for Polyominoes (tessellating squares) and Tangrams (puzzles using squares) and Geoboards (shapes based on a square).

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